WorldShip® Process a Shipment with a Return Services Label

WorldShip® Process a Shipment with a Return Services Label

There are five Return Services options available. This document addresses only the UPS Print ReturnLabel option. For information on other Return Services options, see the Process a Return Services Shipmentdocument.

To process a shipment with a Return Services label:

1. In the Shipping window, click the Options tab.

Note: Package Entry processing mode was used in all screen samples. The Service and Options tabs will appear differently using  Shipment Entry processing mode

2.The Options tab shows the available shipment and package options. Select the Return Services check box underShipment Options

3. The Return Services options appear.
Select UPS Print Return Label. Tips: The Ship To tab changes to the PickupFrom tab. The Ship From tab changes to the Return To tab.

4. UPS Print Return Label requires a description of the package. Describe the contents of the pack to be returned in the Merchandise Description for Package box.

Tip: The description that you type in this box will also appear on the Detail tab. When you type or change a description in the MerchandiseDescription for Package box on one of these tabs, the box on the other tab displays the same description or change. Click the Pickup From tab.

5. The Pickup From tab appears. Type where UPS is to pick up thereturn package. Click the Service tab

6. The Service tab appears.
Click the down arrow in the UPSService box and select a service.
Click the down arrow in the PackageType box and select a type.
Click the down arrow in the Bill Transportation To box and select who pays the transportation cost to ship the package, shipment, or movement. Type the weight of your package in the Package Weight box.
Click the Process Shipment F10button.

7. A blank Shipping window appears. On the Home tab, select History or press the F3 key on the keyboard.

8. The Shipment History window appears and identifies the shipment with an RS icon under UPS Pickups and details the option on the Options tab.

Be sure to include the Return Services label with the outbound shipment.

Your customer applies the return label to the package and gives the package to a UPS driver or drops it off at a UPS customer counter or an Authorized Shipping Outlet.

You will be charged the return shipping cost when the package is actually shipped.

To determine shipping rates or option availability, see the UPS Rate and Service Guide or call 1-800-PICKUPS (1-800-742-5877)

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