Open and use a shared mailbox in Outlook

Open and use a shared mailbox in Outlook

A shared mailbox is a mailbox that can be accessed by multiple users. This is useful for teams or departments that need to collaborate on email, calendars, and contacts. When a person in the group replies to a message sent to the shared mailbox, the email appears to be from the shared address, not from the individual user. You can also  use the shared mailbox as a shared team calendar
A shared mailbox is not designed for direct sign-on with its own setup of account name and a password.  Before you can use a shared mailbox, please send an email to  to request access to an existing shared mailbox. Once you have been added, you can then add the shared mailbox to Outlook using your own sign-in.

Add a shared mailbox to Outlook

After your admin has added you as a member of a shared mailbox, close and then restart Outlook. The shared mailbox should automatically display in your Folder pane in Outlook.

Shared mailbox displays in Folder List in Outlook

What if it didn't work?

  • If your admin only recently added you to a shared mailbox, it may take a few minutes before the shared mailbox appears. Wait a bit and then close and restart Outlook again.

  • If that didn't work, then manually add the shared mailbox to Outlook:

    1. Open Outlook.

    2. Choose the  File  tab in the ribbon.

    3. Choose  Account Settings , then select  Account Settings  from the menu.

    4. Select the  Email  tab.

    5. Make sure the correct account is highlighted, then choose  Change .

    6. Choose  More Settings  >  Advanced  >  Add .

    7. Type in the shared email address.

    8. Choose  OK  >  OK .

    9. Choose  Next  Finish  >  Close

Send mail from the shared mailbox

  1. Open Outlook.

  2. Choose  New Email .

  3. If you don't see the  From  field at the top of your message, choose  Options  >  From .

  4. Click  From  in the message, and change to the shared email address. If you don't see your shared email address, choose  Other email address  and then type in the shared email address.

  5. Choose  OK .

  6. Finish typing your message and then choose  Send .

    From now on when you want to send a message from your shared mailbox, the address will be available in your From drop down list.

    Whenever you send a message from your shared mailbox, your recipients will only see the shared email address in the message.

Reply to mail sent to the shared mailbox

  1. Open Outlook.

  2. Open the email message you want to reply to.

  3. From  field at the top of your message, you should see the name of your shared mailbox. If you don't, choose the From dropdown box and choose your shared mailbox.

  4. Finish typing your message and then choose  Send .

    When you want to send a message from your shared mailbox, the address will be available in your From drop down list.

    Whenever you send a message from your shared mailbox, your recipients will only see the shared email address in the message.

Using the shared account's calendar

After your admin has added you as a member of shared mailbox, close and then restart Outlook. The shared calendar associated with the shared mailbox is automatically added to your  Calendars  list.

  1. In Outlook go to calendar view, and choose the shared mailbox.

    Choose the calendar view

  2. When you enter appointments, everyone who is a member of the shared mailbox will be able to see them.

  3. Any member of the shared mailbox can create, view, and manage appointments on the calendar, just like they would their personal appointments. Everyone who is a member of shared mailbox can see their changes to the shared calendar.

Use the shared contact list

After your admin has added you as a member of shared mailbox, close and then restart Outlook. The shared contact list associated with the shared mailbox is automatically added to your  My Contacts  list.

  1. In Outlook, choose  People .

  2. Under  My Contacts , choose the contacts folder for the shared contacts list.

    Shared contacts list displays in Contacts Pane in Outlook

Send automatic replies from a shared mailbox

Only your IT admin has permissions to set this up. Please contact DNA IT for support and request for setting up auto reply on any shared mailbox.

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