How to install Dahua's HuaChat/DingTalk

How to install Dahua's HuaChat/DingTalk

To download the app, follow these steps:
  1. Connect to F5 VPN and make sure it is connected via either the US_CA server or Auto_DH if you are located within the US region.

  2. Open the file explore and navigate to  KB IT's software shared folder at \\\Knowledge Base\IT\Software\Huachat

  3. Locate the .exe file name that contain the keyword "latest" and copy that onto your local computer's desktop

  4. The app will be downloaded to your computer.

To install the app, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the app that you downloaded to the desktop.
  2. Double-click on the app to start the installation process.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

Once the app is installed, you can launch it by clicking on its icon in the Start menu or on your desktop. To login to the app, follow these steps:

  1. If you are logging in for the very first time from any devices, you may be asked to provide a phone number that can receive SMS for an activation code. Once you receive the code and verify it, you will be redirected to the main login screen as shown below
  2. login using your empolyee ID, the same password that you use to login to your vpn/email and input the captcha code as show on the screen.
  3. check the box to have the info saved for auto login for the next time. 
  4. Click on Login button to login. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by submitting an support request ticket on or email us at

Here are some additional tips for downloading and installing apps from shared folders:

  • If you are downloading over vpn and slower internet network speed, it may take some time to complete the download.
  • If the system ask for login info when connectinng to the shared drive, please reach out to Dahua USA IT Help Desk for support.

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