How to reserve meeting rooms at Dahua Irvine

How to reserve meeting rooms at Dahua Irvine

In order to reserve a meeting room or empty office at Dahua Technology's Irvine location, you must send an email to the individual meeting room emails requesting a time slot or full day.

The request is then received and approved, denied, or edited based on a vacancy by the Administrative/HR department.

See the steps to create a meeting room request below:

Step 1. Click 'New Meeting' in your quick access ribbon in your Outlook client.

Step 2. If you have correctly selected 'New Meeting' you should see the 'Rooms...' option to the right of the 'Location' field. 

Step 3. Please select the meeting room you would like to reserve for your meeting (in Dahua Irvine, it will either be US Huntington, US Newport, US Laguna, US)

Step 4. Fill out the date, time and subject of the meeting request as well as a short description for your meeting.

Step 5. Add you Attendees: 
You can either invite your attendees by adding them directly into the To field from your meeting invitation email (pic.1) or you can use the 'Scheduling Assistant' to add your attendees. With Scheduling Assistant, it will show you the current open times and reservations for the meeting room you have selected and your attendees. 
(pic 1)

(Pic 2)

Step 5:
Once complete, simply click 'Send' to send your meeting invitation as well as your booking request to the select conference room. Someone in HR/Administrative department will receive your booking request and will then confirm the booking with you.