Mandatory F5 VPN setup and InfoSec Software Installation Instruction

Mandatory F5 VPN setup and InfoSec Software Installation Instruction

How to install F5 VPN, required security software, and get connected:

Step1: Download and Install the VPN Client.

Open URL using an Internet browser, and log in with Dahua domain employee ID and AD credential.


After logging in successfully, download the VPN client AND security software package as shown below:
Windows users: click “F5-win-sslvpn-client” to download BIGIPEdgeClient.exe for installation. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process.
MacOS users: Click on “F5-mac-sslvpn-client” to download BIGIPEdgeClient.exe for installation. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process.

Step 3: Download and Install Security Software.

Once the VPN client installation is completed, we will need to install all required security software. 

  1. First, make sure your Windows Defender and real-time protection are turned off by going to
    1. Window Defender's setting. Open up "Setting" and select "Windows Defender"

    2. click on Virus and Threat protection settings:
    3. Turn off the Real-time protection setting.
  2. Download and Run the Secure-soft-win.exe for Window OS or secure-soft-mac from macOS pc to start the installation.
    For Windows PC: Click on the more info link if you see the below message pop up when launching the installation file. The "run anyway button will appear after.

  3. The installation will start after the package is extracted. 

  4. A license agreement message will pop up when the files were extracted and ready for installation. Hit OK to agree to the terms and conditions to start the installation.

      Step 4 :  Starting up the VPN Client

Once the security software installation is completed, start the VPN client by clicking on the Big-IP Edge Client from the Window programs menu. 

       When the VPN client startup, it will auto-check for new updates and install itself. Let it complete and click on Connect button after the program is re-launch

Step 5 : Login and connect to VPN Sever (DHT_VPN_AUTO_CONNECT or US_CA_VPN)

Login with your Employee ID and domain password. It is the same password that you do use to log in to other portals such as GSP. web email, internal employee portals, and Skype.

  1. If your VPN client connected successfully, a F5 red icon will show in your System Icons Tray like so . if not, it will appear like so 
  2. If the connection failed, a  popup window with a brief message will explain why it was failed. Please screenshot the error message and email it to to open a new support request ticket with the Dahua North American IT Help Desk.
  3. For any other issues related to the installation and connection of F5 VPN, please email us at

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