Due to security reasons and issues with the Microsoft Outlook Mobile ONLY APP, the dahautech.com Exchange mail server no longer supports Microsoft Outlook Mobile APP(ISO and Android only). If you are experiencing any connection issue with our mail server or are not able to send and receive emails from Microsoft Outlook Mobile APP(IOS and Android only), DNA IT is asking you to configure your phone to access our email server via your phone's native email APP(Mail by Apple or Samsung Email by Samsung) or other 3rd party email applications such as Blue Mail for Android.
If you wish to continue accessing our mail server via a mobile device, It is crucial that you reconfigure your mobile device now as our mail servers slowly phasing out and blocking connection requests from MS Outlook MOBILE ONLY APP.
Please reach out if you require any assistance accessing your email on your mobile device. We are happy to assist and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. We appreciate your continued patience as we work to resolve any issues related to this incident.
How To add your Dahua Exchange email address to your built-in mobile email applications or other 3rd party mobile mail clients:
IOS and Android Mobile Phone build-in email Apps Exchange email account setup guide:
Tested IOS 3rd party email APP:
Account info:
Your username is your Dahua email address.
Your password: is the same password you use across your email, skype, VPN, and OAGlobal.
Our mail server domain: mail.dahuatech.com