Auto Forward Emails To A Specific Person When Out Of Office By Creating Rules

Auto Forward Emails To A Specific Person When Out Of Office By Creating Rules

You can create rules to auto forward all emails or specific emails to a desired person you want, please do with following steps:
1. Click Rules > Manage Rules & Alerts, in the popped out Rules and Alerts dialog box, click New Rule under the Email Rules tab, see screenshot:
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2. In the first Rules Wizard dialog, click Apply rule on messages I receive option from the Start from a blank rule section, see screenshot:
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3. Click Next button to go to the second dialog, in this step wizard, you can specify the conditions that you want to auto forward certain emails, if you need to forward all receiving emails, skip this step, and click the Next button directly, then a prompt message box is popped out, click Yes button, see screenshot:
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4. Now, in the third wizard dialog, check forward it to people or public group option in the Step 1: Select action(s) list box, and then click people or public group hyperlink text to go to the Rule Address dialog, and select the person you want to forward the messages to. See screenshot:

5. Then click OK > Next to go to the fourth wizard dialog box, select any exceptions you would like to apply to this rule, you can also skip this step, go on clicking Next button, see screenshot:
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6. In the last Rule Wizard dialog box, type a name for this rule in step 1, and check Turn on this rule option in step 2, see screenshot:
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7. Click Finish button, and then click OK button in the Rules and Alerts dialog box, now, when receiving new email, it will be auto forward to the desired person you specified.

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