Archive Emails and items manually

Archive Emails and items manually

How do you run a manual local archive in Outlook 2013 or 2016 to free up storage space on your email account?

Most people use MS Outlook's AutoArchive feature to auto archive items at a regular interval. To learn more, see  Archive older items automatically .

You can also archive items manually whenever you want. That way, you can control which items to archive, where to store the .pst file that contain your archived emails/items,  and how old an item needs to be staying in your live inbox before it can be archived.

  1. Do one of the following:

    • In  Outlook 2013:  Click  File  >  Info  >  Cleanup Tools  >  Archive .


    • In  Outlook 2016 : Click  File  >  Info  >  Tools  >  Clean up old items

      Clean up old items

    Tip:  Archive and AutoArchive might not be available to all Exchange account. It's also possible that  a mail retention policy or Online AutoArchive features turned on an email account that overrides and restrict your right to run LOCAL manual trigger Archive or MS Outlook Client's own AutoArchive. Check with your IT Help Desk for more information and help.

  2. Click the  Archive this folder and all subfolders  option, and choose the folder you want to archive.

  3. Under  Archive items older than , enter a date.

  4. Make sure to check the  Include items with “Do not AutoArchive” checked  box to archive all items that might be marked as "excluded from automatic archiving"  
  5. Assign the folder that you want to store the file locally on your computer.

  6. Click  OK .

Make sure you keep your computer connected to the internet, plugged in the charger and keep MS Outlook running during the archive process. You will see a loading bar at the bottom of the Outlook window showing you the progress of the archive. Once the process is done, you should see a message say that All folders is up to date.

Where to find your archived old emails and items?

Once the archive process is finished, you will see the archive folders on the left pane.

You can then search and find emails moved to your local archive folders by either 
1. select the folder that you want to search in and turn on the "current folder" search option.
2. or select either "All Mailboxes" or the "All Outlook Items" to preform  searches on all folders and subfolders that you might have listed in your left panel. 


Turn off AutoArchive

If you had the AutoArchive turned on before and would like to turn it off to preform manual archive instead going forward, follow the steps below to turn off the AutoArchive function

  1. Click  File  >  Options  >  Advanced .

  2. Under  AutoArchive , click  AutoArchive Settings .

  3. Uncheck the  Run AutoArchive every n days  box.

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