This guide will show you how to add DNA shared address from the public folder in your Outlook email client, making it easily view-able from the address tab.
Step 1.
Click the 3 horizontal dots in the lower left corner of your Outlook client.
Step 2.
Click the 'Folders' option
Step 3.
Step 4.
Expand in the following order: All Public Folders > Dahua.PublicFolders > DNA Public Folders > Address Book
Step 5.
Right click each items that you would like to add individually and select 'Add to favorites...'
and click 'Add'
Step 6.
Then you will scroll down and click into the 'Favorites' folder under Public Folders
and click into the Address(s) that you have Favorited in order to fully sync them to your Outlook client.
From there, your address book will now be accessible via the 'contacts' section in the navigation pane in the lower left corner of your Outlook client\
Step 7
Right click on the address books that you just added to your favor and select Properties>
Then from the address book's properties window, select the Outlook Address Book tab and check the box that say "shwo this folder as an e-mail address book" and hit OK.
This will conclude the setting to add any publicly shared address books from the Exchange email Public Folder.
If you need any assistance with the setup or any issues in related to any shared items in the public folder, please submit a ticket to